are you ready for an orgasmic life?

whether you’re feeling lost, disconnected, overwhelmed + exhausted, or not sure what it is you’re looking for…it’s time for a change. healing good girl syndrome + traumas helps you to discover your purpose + your truest version of joy + peace in your very first session. you deserve to start living into your happiness and that goes for you moms as well. stop living the same day and start living into your new life! how will you shed your sheep and embody your wolf?

connected + intuitive + powerful + limitless + embodied + happy + liberated + light +

connected + intuitive + powerful + limitless + embodied + happy + liberated + light +

healing + growth

It’s time for you to embark on a journey that YOU get to choose! In just one session, discover what your purpose is, start building your tool box to heal your traumas + pain + stories so that you can begin to step into the life you have always known was waiting for you. Begin to set healthy boundaries with family, friends + most importantly your kids!!! Now is the time to liberate yourself from the things that have been blackmailing you into living a life that keeps your happiness + joy + possibilities at a constant limit.

Shed the weight of your past + allow yourself to pull from your experiences as a source of power versus a source of pain.

Enroll in Orgasmic Life Coaching now to start your own personal revolution!

Offered in-person + virtual

connected + intuitive + embodied + happy + free + intentional +

connected + intuitive + embodied + happy + free + intentional +


Are you ready to immerse yourself in activity based healing that will change the way you experience your life? Gain a deep understanding and intuitive relationship with your essence + voice + spirit. Build a life that you can be excited to wake up to. Drop the fear of what others will think and step into the person you know yourself to be. Feel wild + liberated + fearless + embodied + confident + intuitive + youthful + joyful + free!

Shed the weight of your past and allow yourself to pull from your experiences as a source of power instead of a source of pain.

Enroll in Orgasmic Life Coaching now to start your own personal revolution!

Offered in-person + virtual

sexy + confident + embodied + wild + powerful +

sexy + confident + embodied + wild + powerful +


Imagine being the woman that can pull from her sexual essence for creativity + connection + intimacy + confidence + power + sense of self. You can heal trauma + inherited / conditioned blockages so that your body is no longer the enemy but your soulmate.

Whether you’re looking for a way to create a safe container to explore your sensuality/ sexuality, gain a healthy relationship with your body, begin to figure out your bedroom yes’ and no’s, explore the various orgasms + how to achieve them, gain your sexual voice + speak your wants / desires, heal shame + guilt around sexuality, or even figuring out how masturbation works + the various techniques used to masturbate, this immersive healing + educational coaching will leave you feeling powerful + embodied + sexy + sensual + confident.

Enroll in Orgasmic Life Coaching today to begin the shedding of your sheep to embody your wolf and take charge of your sexuality today!

Offered in-person + virtual

making big changes takes big healing. let’s work together to shed your sheep and embody your wolf?