it has been an honor

Some of you already know some of this story but for those of you who don’t, lets go on ride real quick! I started my career in 2009 in women’s care as a neuromuscular therapist specializing in prenatal and postpartum massage and birth work here in Charlotte. Everyone told me that it was too specialized and that Charlotte wasn’t the place for it. I decided FUCK IT!! I’m going to do it anyway. Just because it hasn’t been done doesn’t mean that it can’t. So I opened my doors as Bellies and Babies and got to work. Immediately, you all welcomed me with open arms and I have never looked back. Then feeling like I needed to offer more I walked away from that practice of 12 years and 3 locations to start ARA Healing. Again, you welcomed me with open arms and here we are today!

A LOT of you have been with me since day 1 in South Park. I feel like I owe you the most. You saw my potential way back then and have stuck through different locations…there were many, a marriage, a birth, a divorce, a crazy awesome dating life, and now a beautiful partnership. You’ve supported me in my own growth and I am who I am today in big part due to your undying support. To ALL of you who have shown your support through Bellies and Babies and now ARA Healing, I love that we have been able to share laughs, tears, stories, purges, food, and drinks. I’ve held some your hands when you thought you just couldn’t do it any more. I stood by some of your sides while you worked to bring new life into this world. I’ve even welcomed some of you into my home when shit really hit the fan. We have been through it all. I wouldn’t change any piece of any of those experiences with you. Those stories helped to show me that I was doing exactly was I was put on this earth to do. Thank you for giving me that.

Now the reason for this letter….

If you have been in the office anytime within the last few months you may know that for the last two years I have been battling cancers that don’t seem to want to give up. It started with cervical that spread to my uterus. During that surgery last June they found cell growth on my bladder. Turns out this lady also had bladder cancer which I had surgery for this February. Fast forward 3 months later and it’s back along with early stage lymphoma and spots in my left breast. Needless to say, it’s been a year. There has been tons of support from all of you and my surrounding communities.

With that said…as a family, we have decided for my health, both mental and physical, that it would be best to move out of Charlotte and closer to my new medical team instead of commuting for care while also slowing down our lives. I will continue to work out of Charlotte one week a month for in-person work (body healing and coaching)….this lady and her kids still have to eat, lol…so I won’t be gone completely but only working on a membership basis. Shameless plug: If you have been thinking about a membership to save some money AND want to continue your care, now’s the time to join!!! I have opened up 10 more spots for new members to join and once they are gone a waitlist will go into affect. A warning for current members. If you cancel membership, your spot will be given to up for grabs and once it’s filled you’ll have to get back in line for another spot to open. I will open my availability to accommodate ALL memberships with additional times later in the month in the event people have to travel or fall ill during the scheduled work week. The virtual end will continue to operate as usual with the only change being that for new clients, the first visit will be charged as a single session payment with all other monthly visits under memberships with all terms and conditions applying.

I appreciate all of your continued love and support and hope that you stay on this wild ride with me. If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to chat please reach out. I’m here for you just as you have been here for me.

Many thanks and lots love,

Angie Rivera

Angie Rivera

Helping women shed their sheep and embrace their wolf.